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All glasses from France

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beer glass from the Pelican-Pelforth brewery in France with the inscription 'Pelforth Pale'
beer glass from the Phenix brewery in France with the inscription 'Phenix'
beer glass from the Piedboeuf brewery in France with the inscription 'Alte Post Setz Brau'
beer glass from the Saint-Omer brewery in France with the inscription 'Saint-Omer Biere Fine Du Nord Depuis 1866'
beer glass from the Silviacus brewery in France with the inscription 'Terre De Brume'
beer glass from the Slavia brewery in France with the inscription 'Bieres Slavia'
beer glass from the St. Sylvestre brewery in France with the inscription '3 Monts Biere De Flandre'
beer glass from the St. Sylvestre brewery in France with the inscription 'Gavroche'
beer glass from the Terken brewery in France with the inscription 'Biere Blonde Deluxe Terken'
beer glass from the Zenith brewery in France with the inscription 'Zenith'
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