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New Glasses from England - Gallery

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beer glass from the Ansells brewery in England with the inscription 'Ansells Makes Friends'
beer glass from the Sharp's brewery in England with the inscription 'Atlantic Pale Ale, Sharps Brewery Rock Cornwall Tropical & Refreshing'
beer glass from the Moles brewery in England with the inscription 'Black Rat Premium Dry Cider, Moles Brewery Melksham Wiltshire SN12 6TJ'
beer glass from the Black Sheep brewery in England with the inscription 'Black Sheep Special Ale'
beer glass from the Firebird  brewery in England with the inscription 'Firebird Brewing Co'
beer glass from the Whitbread  brewery in England with the inscription 'Heldenbrau Lager Beer'
beer glass from the Morland  brewery in England with the inscription 'Old Speckled Hen Morland'

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(C)2025 BeerGlassCollection.co.uk | Site by jaytee